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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-06-21 00:31:29
Re:Archer C60 AC1350 - ip nat loopback problem
Anton, but when I access it from the WAN there is also port forwarding. So how is this different then when accessing it internally? I am trying to understand the source of the issue. As for using the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-06-20 00:14:18
Re:Archer C60 AC1350 - ip nat loopback problem
Thanks for the response. I have an Archer 3150. Over the WAN/LTE the speed is good. When I access the same resource over the LAN then is becomes so slow that it is basically useless.The issue doesn't...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-06-16 08:02:10
Re:Archer C60 AC1350 - ip nat loopback problem
I have a similar problem. In my case it works but It is extremely slow (I am streaming video). When accessed Internally It's much faster. How can I solve that?