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Forums/ Deco
5 hours ago
Re:Main wifi not discoverable on my Deco BUT guest wifi working fine
@David-TP Hi there, I have restarted it several times (and even used different plugs). I have no 'Hide Network' option. there is no setting when I search for that in the app. My app and Deco are...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco Network acting as hidden (but settings say it's not)
I am having this exact problem. My main Deco wifi is not discoverable (it was working before I moved the unit to another plug). I created a GUEST network using my main Deco wifi and the GUEST network...
Forums/ Deco
Main wifi not discoverable on my Deco BUT guest wifi working fine
I have a Deco X50-5g with an EE SIM, we have successfully set up a wifi network. This MAIN wifi setup (lets call it WIFI-1) works and is connected. This morning all my household devices were...