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Forums/ Deco
2018-04-29 23:30:06
New Deco iOS app without correct any problem related here.
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Seriously, TP-LINK, what the hell are you doing? Laugh on us? Now you’re about to lunch two new Decos without lunch the so promised new firmware...
Forums/ Deco
2018-02-23 08:10:03
Re:ETA of next firmware update?!
They’re stalling us. Shame on you, Tp-Link guys!!! Do your job!I’ll be very disappointed if I see Deco V2 without V1 bugs fixed.
Forums/ Deco
2017-12-28 07:21:04
Re:The truth is: Deco only updates antivirus' database every 2 months ?
kunkka wrote I think you misunderstood what he said. Did I? Let's see about that. . Trend Micro updates antivirus database every 2 months. Who said that?! Where have you found this piece of...
Forums/ Deco
2017-12-26 06:20:23
The truth is: Deco only updates antivirus' database every 2 months ?
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : I was wondering why my Deco’s antivirus database was updating only when I rebooted the main Deco. So I wrote for TP-LINK engineers to ask about...
Forums/ Deco
2017-12-03 11:22:49
Does Deco M5 support POE adapters?
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Does Deco M5 support POE adapters? I was about to backhaul one of my nodes using this adapter, but I thought it would be better ask first...
Forums/ Deco
2017-11-18 08:20:46
some guides for TP-LINK engineers
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : What I expect on further Deco's firmware updates: - A way to turn on/off cable ethernet backhaul using mobile app - A way to check if a node is...