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Forums/ DSL Modem&Routers
2018-05-06 22:22:51
Re:Archer VR900 V2 Disconnects when uploading large files
Dink wrote Got same router here , no problems uploading huge files over 100 MB, but I'm on fibre , 80 down and 20 up. Sounds more like a 1MB up issue ? You say FTTC ( VDSL ) but then say ADSL ? its...
Forums/ DSL Modem&Routers
2018-04-15 22:10:09
Archer VR900 V2 Disconnects when uploading large files
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Hi All, Looking for someone whos either had this and know the answer of maybe someone who knows how I could troubleshoot further. I have an Archer...