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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-04-22 06:05:53
Re:How to use Archer VR400 as a repeater?
Anyone can help me? Someone from TP-Link maybe?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-04-21 07:46:37
Re:How to use Archer VR400 as a repeater?
Thanks vieldcs. But I have a problem with that guide. In the point 2.(2) I don't have the scan button: "(2) Click Scan, locate the root router’s SSID, and click Connect." What can I do please? I have...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-04-18 02:45:30
How to use Archer VR400 as a repeater?
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Hi! I have Archer VR400 and I want to use it as a repeater. With cable if it's possible. If not with Wi-Fi. Is there any guide or anyone can...