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Forums/ Deco
2019-02-26 00:55:57
Re:How to identify to which node a device is connected and to which band
On MacOS: opt+click on wifi on topbar you see mac address and band.= For mobile you can install WIFIMan and do this.
Forums/ Deco
2019-02-25 18:18:03
Re:Re:Issues after latest Deco firmware update
i confirm too.... no issues during first 3 days. after this. CHAOS! Reboot, lost signal, buferring and Deco droped from network.
Forums/ Deco
2019-02-18 00:12:34
Re:Firmware Update
Try logout app.
Forums/ Deco
2019-02-14 19:50:28
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Deco M9 - Second node performance drop?
Cam777 wrote I think this app to see snr should be already integrated in the second app. Why use a third-party app to troubleshoot a WiFi system? Don't have any signal meter on Deco App. Bacause this...
Forums/ Deco
2019-02-12 20:40:45
Re:Re:Re:Deco M9 - Second node performance drop?
SNR is Signal to Noise Ratio on wifi communications. Sometimes you have great signal but some noise and speed drop. Get on APP/Software to see how your SNR from Deco 1 on place of Deco 2. If below of...
Forums/ Deco
2019-02-12 17:27:50
Re:Deco M9 - Second node performance drop?
Place second node on second room not on third room. Remember you need around 30/35dbm SNR between both decos to avoid performance drop.