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Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-26 07:57:12
EAP 245v3 Maximum Distance between device and POE injector
Hello, I tried to find this info in a datasheet , but no succes. What is the maximum distance between the POE injector and the EAP 245 v3. I want to put it on the ceiling but no power socket there...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-20 10:15:59
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:EAP320 Slow Wifi with QualComm QCA61x4A Wifi Cards
No, this issue was resolved by disabling a parameter. Powershell as admin: Disable-NetAdapterRsc Wi-Fi. Speed up from 1,8 Mbps, to 60 Mbps
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-20 10:13:48
Re:Re:Different Location, 2 EAP245 v3 with same SSID but different DHCP scopes
Yes, this is what I mean. Do the clients switch IP address immediately if they switch location (Same SSID, different location, different dhcp scope)
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-19 11:46:24
Re:Re:Re:EAP320 Slow Wifi with QualComm QCA61x4A Wifi Cards
Hi Guys, This was/is Windows 10 related! Link : https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-networking/wifi-issues-with-creators-update/4a20ba4f-33dc-4397-9823-e12dcb2607ba?auth=1...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-19 11:02:41
Different Location, 2 EAP245 v3 with same SSID but different DHCP scopes
Hello, I have a client with 2 sites/locations. They want to implement a Wifi with 2 EAP245v3. They will have the same SSID's. Will this configuration work for the laptops? The users switch locations...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-13 10:32:48
EAP320 and placement guidelines
Hi, Are there any placement guidelines for EAP320 or other EAP products? How the coverage is, when placed on a wall, placed on a ceiling etc? Kind regards