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Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-24 18:17:23
Re:Create subnet for cable-connected devices
@ElTom The TL-SG3210 (V3 !) would be suitable and the managment of VLANs and switch ACLs would be very easy. If ALL clients are on the EAP an not on LAN-Ports you could play around with an amount of...
Forums/ Official Announcements
2022-05-24 06:30:15
Re:We're Looking For Your Feedback On TP-Link Community Here!
@Fae Hello, for me two things would be important: 1. Getting rid of the spam would be great. Perhaps there are new ways to check, if comments are spam. For example rather context sensitive instead of...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-05-24 06:15:47
Re:EAP225 New Firmware but no release note
@Philbert Hello, I noticed that tp-link does not update each website at the same time. For example the /de Page states 5.0.5 as new firmware whereas /en Page states 5.0.8 as new firmware...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-05-23 10:21:11
Firmwareupdate for EAP235-wall v1
Hello TP-Link, will there be a Firmwareupdate for the EAP235-wall in the near future. Main things are: - PPSK is apparently not working or not implemented yet - Channel utilization only shows busy...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-11 05:40:31
Re:URL filtering not works / Filter shows no reaction
Hello @lukass2000 As additional solution (instead of the dns solution) you can put the "Gateway-Rules" additionally into the "EAP-Rules" , for the case the childrens Hardware is connected via Wifi....
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-19 14:21:30
Re:Disable NAT
@Mike_E Hello i would also need the possibility to disable NAT in the Router. I have the same use-case as Mike_E. Using a switch is also no solution, because the portalfunction on LAN-Ports needs an...