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Forums/ Deco
2018-12-21 11:22:34
Re:Re:Re:NAT Hairpin/Loopback
i''ve disabled everything. yes I can access it internally via their internal IP addresses i've sent emails to tplink and got no reply at all in over a week... so hardly "timely" :(
Forums/ Deco
2018-12-21 11:20:58
Re:Frequent Asked Questions
i suspect i shan't get a reply since this forum is as dead as dead forums go... but you mention 64 devices ?! thats pretty pathetic in this day and age of IOT devices... is that 64 concurrent? what...
Forums/ Deco
2018-12-20 21:42:11
Re:Deco M5 Firmware 1.2.4 Parental Control Bed Time defect?
thats ok. wish these forums were more alive :-(
Forums/ Deco
2018-12-20 17:42:47
Re:Re:Re:Deco M5 Firmware 1.2.4 Parental Control Bed Time defect?
well i've had it set up in a similar way tbh for a few weeks. child account bedtime 11pm , an adult account with no bedtime. and my devices which are not associated with an account. never had it...
Forums/ Deco
2018-12-20 16:55:21
Re:Deco M5 Firmware 1.2.4 Parental Control Bed Time defect?
just tested on mine, adult no restrictions, child bedtime in 5 mins time. come that time, tested on all and all worked as expected. non registered devices worked ok too. firmware is 1.2.4 too
Forums/ Deco
2018-12-20 16:04:01
Turn off ICMP / Ping on public IP Interface!!
Just noticed that my public IP assigned to the Deco is pingable. Please give an option to turn this off!! I don't want the world and it's dog to know that this IP address has things on it. Come on...