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Forums/ Deco
2019-07-17 07:48:55
Re:Re:Latest firmware (version 1.3.1) with new features for Deco M5 is available now
yeah thats great and all, but i don't have the tool. linky? I'm very familar with using command line tools and know what i'm doing.
Forums/ Deco
2019-07-16 20:37:12
Re:Re:Re:Re:Latest firmware (version 1.3.1) with new features for Deco M5 is available now
so anyone want to link the firmware updater tool since its not listed on the support page for some bizarre reason (given that you can download the firmware itself!)
Forums/ Deco
2019-07-16 06:20:38
Re:Re:Re:Latest firmware (version 1.3.1) with new features for Deco M5 is available now
What ? Are you a spam bot?
Forums/ Deco
2019-07-15 21:23:12
Incorrect categorising of sites
Hi, I thought I had mentioned this before but didn't get anywhere, i might have just drempt it though. Anyway, I get "malicious site" flagged up when trying to access any URL in a regular mailing...
Forums/ Deco
2019-07-12 18:20:18
Re:can we switch on/off devices from the wifi in AP mode?
what do you mean "observe an issue"? you don't get to use any of the AV/IPS etc aspects in AP mode. You also don't get to control anything either.
Forums/ Deco
2019-07-10 13:38:23
Re:Re:Re:NAT Hairpin/Loopback
Well the "next firmware' has come out but there is no mention of this in the change logs , so I guess 3 months wasnt enough for them to add it to this release (?!?)