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Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-31 08:43:31
Re:Log incoming users over the WAN port?
I wish there was, the firewall logging is still appalling to give an insight to where inbound connection attempts are coming from.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-27 07:16:02
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
I have set 5.9.31 up on my R Pi 3b using the 64 bit lite Rasbian OS and it is running well. The system defaults to a 100meg swap file which isn't enough so this needs to be increased, I went for a...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-27 06:59:40
Re:Lock to AP not working
I can personally vouch for the fact if you enable the feature currently strange things happen and you will have one hell of a job getting things back straight. Why on earth there are options that can...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-03 23:41:57
Re:Browser compatibilty
Thanks for the tests, a clear of the browser cache sorted it out. Strange as it was fine pre update but sorted and working now.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-03 18:06:03
Browser compatibilty
Since upgrading to the latest firmware when trying to log into the OC200 from Firefox I now get an incompatible browser message. Not the end of the world but really annoying as I am a long time...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-22 08:24:29
OC200 5.4.7
Anyone else find it annoying that if you set an auto refresh period to try and get some up to date of sorts that if you are tabbed into a page with several pages it jumps you pack to page one every...