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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2019-06-22 11:09:46
Re:Re:Re:Can you have two powerline adapters operating on the same domestic electrical circuit?
Hi - the link didn't come up. I'd be interested to see what information you have as I've never been able to do this without using equipment external to the Powerlines i.e. managed switches that...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2019-06-22 08:46:30
Re:Can you have two powerline adapters operating on the same domestic electrical circuit?
The Powerline adapter is just creating the low level physical connection (at layer 2 on the OSI model). All Powerline adapters will see all others if the electrical circuitry allows them to....
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2019-06-22 08:36:24
TL-WPA4220 and DHCP
Has anyone else noticed this? I have the above device plugged in and it has a DHCP assigned IP address which it has obtained from an ASUS RT-87U router. This works well until I examine...