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Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2019-10-14 07:41:12
@BlackFox Sorry but there are 1000's of FREE prog's available including the excellent LibreOffice suite, Thunderbird mail Gimp image prog and Mozilla Firefox all of which are multi-award winners from...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2019-07-04 06:45:45
Re:Re:TL-PA4220 + EAP110-outdoor+ Archer c50 now won't talk
Hi Bothe the eap and the powerlines are connected by their own ethernet cables directly to the router. The loss of connection only occurred when I installed the eap. I have since taken the powerlines...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2019-07-03 18:02:56
Where-ever I look for tools to use, with the TP-Link products, they are all windows or Mac based. I've been a Linux user for many years (my only Windows machine ois a very old laptop running XP and...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2019-07-03 14:40:06
TL-PA4220 + EAP110-outdoor+ Archer c50 now won't talk
I have 2 powerline TL-PA4022 which worked fine with my TP-Link C50 router providing wifi throughout the rest of our house. They were working fine until I added a TP-Link eap110-outdoor wifi access...