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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2020-06-05 11:24:42
[Solution] 'Please configure your DNS server manually' error? Please read this.
I bought an Archer VR400, it worked properly in the first few months, but then I found that the internet is intermittent. The router shows orange at that time, and I found this error message on the...
Stories/ DSL Modem Routers
2019-12-11 08:25:48
Please configure your DNS server manually error? Please read this.
I posted a thread weeks ago, while I thought it would be more helpful if I posts a story there. I bought an Archer VR400, it worked properly in the first few months, but then I found that the...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2019-11-16 11:27:58
Re:VR 2800 - please configure your DNS manually- error
Hi guys, You can read my article here.
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2019-11-16 11:13:17
Please configure your DNS server manually error? Please read this.
I bought an Archer VR400, it worked properly in the first few months, but then I found that the internet is intermittent. The router shows orange at that time, and I found this error message on the...
Stories/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-08-20 10:03:47
Norton Security affects my download speed on TP-Link router
Just about one week ago I bought TP-Link router Archer A7 for my updated internet service plan from ISP and ever since I installed it, the download speed on my computer became extremely 3...