Range Extenders
2020-12-07 22:41:05
Ok I just reviewed the specs of the WA850RE (I have a RE650). The eternet port on that model is 10/100 so it will max out at \a 100Mbs. You should buy an extender that has a gigabit ethernet port.
Range Extenders
2020-12-07 22:35:16
Assuming you are in Access-Point mode, if you go to Wireless Settings you should see a page where you enable/disable each band (2,4 and 5) and for each you specify the security, mode, channel and...
Range Extenders
2020-12-07 19:31:03
WPS is something you temporary enable in order to pair two devices to use the same wifi signal. It should not remain on for more than a couple of minutes. What you want to check is that indicator...
Range Extenders
2020-12-07 19:26:29
@sweden84 What band are you measuring your internet speeds and how? As a baseline you want want to plug in the ethernet cable into a laptop or other device so you can measure what speed you are...
Range Extenders
2020-12-07 03:01:26
I solved this issue by running Ethernet to the RE650 and switching to AP mode. This way you can configure the desired security (WPA2+AES only) for each band. There was also a recent firmware update...
Range Extenders
2020-12-07 02:55:22
Hi, I can't confirm if this the case with the RE200 but many older or cheaper extenders have an Ethernet port that only handles traffic up to 100Mbs. The newer/better ones have Gigabit ports (like my...