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Forums/ Deco
2020-04-12 16:07:32
Re:Deco M5 latency to modem/router spikes.
@Daveomania I just went onto the app on my phone and searched for an update and it found it automatically. Sorry - I don't have a url to download it.
Forums/ Deco
2020-04-11 11:24:34
Re:Deco M5 latency to modem/router spikes.
@jwb How I managed to get my Deco M5 network fast and stable. I read the posts in this forum and was suffering the same issue. To figure out how bad the issue was I setup a permanent ping from my...
Forums/ Deco
2020-04-08 17:55:41
Re:Deco M5 latency to modem/router spikes.
@bsye Thank goodness I saw this thread - I thought it was just me !! I wondered if it was the inbuilt anti-virus software causing processing problems but it makes no difference turned on or off. bsye...