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Forums/ Deco
2020-06-11 01:51:18
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
Just a question, does anyone from TP-Link actually look at these forums, or are we just whinging amongst ourselves? What's the actual path/process to petition/request/complain about this feature (and...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-31 03:53:51
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
@phillip_mcmahon Yup, hopefully a simple 'disable smart DHCP' switch will do the trick... HELLO TP-LINK ! Please remove this infuriating, network killer fault... on an otherwise fantastic...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-10 00:17:33
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
@phillip_mcmahon Yup add another one to the list. It's been driving me crazy lately with the Deco units taking over DHCP if the router goes away! Didn't take me long to realise it was the Deco units,...