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Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-05-28 10:57:16
Re:Oculus GO can't connect to RE650 extender
@Kevin_Z Hi, I finally got it working by setting the Oculus GO to connect to TP LINK with a static IP pointing to the TP LINK extender IP. After doing it, connection is flawless now.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-05-26 11:00:28
Oculus GO can't connect to RE650 extender
So I recently bought a RE650 extender, and had issues with 5ghz light staying on, but fixed it by changing the 5ghz channel from auto to 36. Every other device connected works fine, however the...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-05-26 10:48:25
Re:TP Link RE650 WI-FI Range Extender no 5 GHZ signal !!
This happened to me too with that same extender. I fixed it by changing the 5ghz channel from auto to 36 thanks to a message in the amazon comments that suggested it. The problem is that now I can't...