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Forums/ Deco
2024-06-15 00:14:38
Re:Deco ECO Mode 1.0
So how much power and money have people saved using this ECO mode?
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-30 06:45:17
Re:ECO Mode on Deco
@Valkyrie888 This is a matter of health. Care to explain this one as i don't understand.
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-24 07:10:30
Re:Deco M5 1.7.4/1.7.6
@David-TP Time is reporting all ok now in both the app and Web UI. Thanks. not sure what happened
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-20 01:23:26
Re:Deco M5 1.7.4/1.7.6
@TP-Link Also i have just noticed the time is out on my m5 now by 12 hours. not sure when this started. I am running 1.7.5
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-19 05:23:42
Re:Deco M5 1.7.4/1.7.6
@TP-Link @David-TP Hi, Remind me again why there is separate firmware for EU and everyone else? Deco M5_1.7.6 Build 20240305 for EU version Deco M5_1.7.4 Build 20231222 for other versions(like...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-12 04:02:03
Re:Deco M5 1.7.4/1.7.5
@David-TP Thanks for replying back. I think that type of information needs to be shared on the tplink website to avoid any confusion. I am not having any issues with 1.7.5 and i also dont user...