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Forums/ Deco
2020-07-07 16:52:22
Re:Deco P9 error: daemon.err /usr/bin/apsd: apsd_get_active_ports:214: Error: No such interface 20 ??
@FireDZ I actually have 6 and since posting factory reset them all to see what happens as I bring them back online. With 2, fine. With 3 - started to get issues. 4&5 added, issues more severe. Note:...
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-01 16:37:14
Re:Deco P9 error: daemon.err /usr/bin/apsd: apsd_get_active_ports:214: Error: No such interface 20 ??
@FireDZ Same thing, multiple disconnects from internet in the logs, multiple restarts of daemons. The interface appears to change, mine is 24. Tried both as router and access point. Odd thing - as...