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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-09-20 23:32:45
Re:AC5400X Internet Speed drop by 50% after few hours
@Billtwa The slow speed is from LAN or Wifi? Or thr speedtest done in router apss? Is thisnhappen in ur previous ? After reboot u get the same issue? If after reboot ur speed remain half then i...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-09-17 09:20:09
Re:AC5400X Internet Speed drop by 50% after few hours
@Kevin_Z Contacted local tplink support and my issue is fix now. Need to do hard reset and flash with firmware as mention in website for the latest. Note to taken where u run speed test from router...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-07-29 23:33:02
Re:AC5400X Internet Speed drop by 50% after few hours
@renatomefi this means they dont care after service. I regret giving them 2nd chqnce and purchase their product. Previously i use to be like urs set for schedule reboot everyday but issue is aome of...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-07-25 15:21:14
Re:Internet speed drop 40-50% after few hours usage
@Kevin_Z I've try this beta firmware before. The Homecare seem working just the internet speed will slow down. Only this beta firnware is making my internet speed stable but Homescare is not...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-07-25 04:16:48
Re:Internet speed drop 40-50% after few hours usage
@Kevin_Z Will try that out later.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-07-23 22:05:05
Re:AC5400X Internet Speed drop by 50% after few hours
@EonaCat Sad case. No QC test properly b4 release to market... customer tonsuffer now.