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Forums/ Deco
2023-08-01 03:05:33
Re:Deco X68 - Connect to Non-Wifi6?
@David-TP - Thanks for the suggestion. Previously, I have Mesh Technology disabled for my TV Box. I noticed there is an option to create a separate SSID for IoT devices (2.4GHz only). I tried that...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-25 02:06:15
Deco X68 - Connect to Non-Wifi6?
I just got a TV box that does not work well with wifi6 connection. It keeps getting disconnected and I'd be having hard time reconnecting it back (multiple rebooting of the box). Since returning the...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-20 04:19:53
Deco X68 - App keep renaming devices
I've just upgraded from M4 to X68. Since then app keep renaming my devices like Nintendo Switch, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Tapo SmartPlug, Tapo Camera, etc. Not to mention the countless of UNKNOWN devices....
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-14 05:46:18
Re:Deco M4 Solid Red Even After Reset
I tried that too but didn't work. At last it worked after I enabled the IPTV/VLAN setting in Deco app.
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-14 03:40:14
Re:Deco M4 shows red light after setup network
It's the password provided by TM for the Unifi, and yea, that's the one you entered under the PPPoE username and password. But I'd suggest to make it the last resort, after you exhausted all possible...
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-14 03:40:13
Re:Deco M4 shows red light after setup network
It's the password provided by TM for the Unifi, and yea, that's the one you entered under the PPPoE username and password. But I'd suggest to make it the last resort, after you exhausted all possible...