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Forums/ Routers
By firefox111 a week ago

OpenVPN Client public IP

During the OpenVPN client negotiation to connect to the ER605, is there a way to capture what the public IP of the client is? I need to know where the client is connected from. Nothing shows on the Tu
Forums/ Routers
By firefox111 a week ago

VPN client to LAN-to-LAN routing

Hello! This has been bugging me since I have established LAN-to-LAN VPN connection on my two properties. Now, if I am away, I VPN in to one of the ER605's to check on my LAN in that subnet. My problem
Forums/ Routers
By firefox111 2024-09-12 03:06:48

Help! There's a Client IP address tha I don't know such a device

There is an IP Address on my LAN Client List that I can't account for. I just took an audit of all my network devices and I can't account for this IP Address! So I blocked it on the ER605 Firewall. Th
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Xarishark 2023-12-02 14:34:18

Make the wireguard peer generator more friendly (QR codes, exports and autogenerating codes)

Currently wireguard does not have any easy way to export a profile to send to a device or user. Request: Add a QR code popup button at the peer list to show a QR code AND a *.wg* download button. On p
Forums/ Routers
By firefox111 2023-12-18 20:54:19

FQDN in Wireguard Peer Endpoint parameter?

Hello! Is there any plan on using FQDN instead of IP Address in the Wireguard Peer Endpoing paramter? Both my endpoiints are DHCP from my ISP. Thanks. I like wireguard because my iperf from local to r
Forums/ Routers
By firefox111 2023-12-14 02:50:22

Any Documentation on setting up LAN-to-LAN L2TP VPN between two ER605 V2's?

Hello! The subject says it all. Can someone send me a link of a documentation on recommended setup for a LAN-to-LAN L2TP VPN connection between two ER605's? I need Location A to manage/connect to devi