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Forums/ Routers
By Fabfab74 2022-03-14 08:34:47

connexion vpn tourne du le vide

The vpn connection runs in a vacuum, yet I followed the tutorial La connexion vpn tourne dans le vide , j'ai pourtant suivis le tuto Rappel : Modem Routeur Lan 192.168.1.xxx IP of TL-R60
Forums/ Routers
By Fabfab74 2022-03-14 08:12:49

vpn connection, not successful

The vpn connection runs in a vacuum, yet I followed the tutorial La connexion vpn tourne dans le vide , j'ai pourtant suivis le tuto Rappel : Modem Routeur Lan 192.168.1.xxx IP of TL-R60
Forums/ Routers
By Fabfab74 2022-03-04 17:40:26

Configure L2TP vpn

Hello I started to configure my VPN here are the captures hoping I'm not deceiving I need to be able to view the resources of my LAN which is in 192.168.1.xx   Hello J'ai commencer a configurer mon
Forums/ Routers
By Fabfab74 2022-02-28 18:12:36

I have an internet browsing problem...

Hello, I have an internet browsing problem... in the wan part I have a traffic signal but I can't get internet in the WAN part it asks me for a gateway? should I create a NAT rule? I can not understan
Forums/ Routers
By Fabfab74 2022-02-19 17:30:06

ER605 ugrapr firware failesd

Bonjour, Je viens de sortir de la boite le ER605 (TL-R605) voulant le mettre a jour pour un utilisation stable je télécharge la firware ER605(UN)_v2_2.0.0 Build 20220106.bin Mais j'obtiens une erreur