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Forums/ Controllers
By AaronN 2022-07-31 15:53:28

Disable WAN access on Omada controlled ER7206 Router

Hi all, I'm looking at how i can disable the WEB interface and SSH access to the ER7206 on the WAN port. I don't want my router exposed to the WAN (that isn't exactly secure) and would like to disable
Forums/ Controllers
By Alex789 2022-07-30 19:32:23

BUG - When exporting/importing the controller config, client names are lost

Using version 5.4.6 of the software controller, if you export the config settings and then import them into another software controller, all the usernames(client names) are lost.
Forums/ Controllers
By Jeesoon1 2022-07-30 07:31:43

How to access HTTP/S Portal page?

This is probably a dumb question, But i can't access the Portal with both port from http and https 8843 and 8088. But i can access it via drop down selection on the upper right corner and on voucher m
Forums/ Controllers
By ZdenekM 2022-07-30 10:12:22

Acessing web ui of AP connected to WAN port

I've been using Omada for a while but haven't so far explored advanced features, so sorry in advance for probably silly question... I connected my old AP to port 2 of my TL-R605, which is set as WAN/L
Forums/ Controllers
By cegan09 2022-07-27 21:05:27

Devices not being assigned their fixed IP address

I have assigned fixed IP addresses for many of the devices on my network, and I've noticed recently that devices are not being connected to those IP addresses. For example my desktop may be assigned 1
Forums/ Controllers
By CineM 2022-07-26 00:15:59

Switch with POE and access points on OC200

Hi, Looking to set up a network with the following: OC200 controller EAP670 x3 [to cover an area of 200 feet in length and 30 feet wide] TL-SG108PE switch to for PoE Router ER7206 I'm currently under