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Forums/ Controllers
By AkoNaNi 2024-11-20 11:39:49

Clients name in Past Portal Authorizations and Authorized Clients cannot be change.

Hi, Changed Clients' Names are displayed in Past Connections and Known Clients, but they are not changed in Past Portal Authorizations and Authorized Clients under Hotspot Management; they are only na
Forums/ Controllers
By AkoNaNi 2024-11-04 13:37:25

Hotspot Management > Authorized Clients > Name; not changed even if it already manually changed

Hi, I've noticed in Hotspot Management > Authorized Clients; the names are not changed even if it already changed the device name config in the Clients Tab. Some devices have auto names to it when con
Forums/ Controllers
By AkoNaNi 2024-11-01 08:32:54

Omada Captive Portal not showing if ACL are enabled

Hi, I have a short stack setup on my home network composed of OC200, ER605, SG2008P, and EAP650. After double-checking the configuration, I found some issues in the Captive portal. When my Kids' SSID