2024-07-05 21:12:00
TXE70UH Driver for MacOS
Hello, Is a beta driver available or is MacOS support being planned? I just happened to have bought one without verifying driver availability :/ So please let me know if I should send it back or if th
Range Extenders
2022-05-25 09:45:51
RE455 Weak security
Repeater use WPA2 TKIP instead of WPA2 AES resulting in weak security. Considering this has been updated on other models why is it not the case for RE455? I just purchased it and I already regret it,
5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2019-10-14 15:29:28
Unable to manually set a specific 4G band (MR600)
Hi, I was unable to find a setting to manually force the use of a specific 4G band. For example, sometimes the router uses the band 20 instead of 1/3/7 which are much more faster than the 20 one, resu