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Forums/ Deco
By gg_pt 2020-11-21 20:48:07

DECO constantly dropping connections

My wifi network based on the DECO M9 PLus keeps dropping constantly without no reason. It can happen to any device regardless of time of day and situation. Tried to do an update and the app always say
Forums/ Deco
By gg_pt 2020-09-11 15:36:37

wifi dropping all the time

the wifi is dropping a lot of times and the devices connected sometimes take long time to reconnect. also in the same are we can have sometimes 1m and others 200m - i feel the wifi speed changes a lot
Forums/ Deco
By gg_pt 2020-09-11 15:34:22

App and firmware updates

the deco app does not show any upgrade required, but there is already a 1.4 version. when are you planning to update the app to work properly?
Forums/ Deco
By gg_pt 2020-05-28 10:05:47

Deco M9 and RE200

Hi there, i just bought a M9 plus (2 units) and i wanted to know if i can use it together with the older RE200 i have to cover some distant spots. I now RE200 are not mesh but can they be used togethe