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Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-01-24 13:52:17
Re:Tapo C325 Camera Image Quality
@Solla-topee Many thanks I will do that but also wanted to let you know your file upload does not work or there is no message saying you can't accept videos. Many thanks again
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-01-24 06:46:41
Re:Tapo C325 Camera Image Quality
@BobWillis as requested I have tried to upload a video video of the fox blur trail. Its only 1.5meg but failed to upload. Sorry for the delay in replying but have been away on holiday. Since that...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-01-12 15:43:10
Tapo C325 Camera Image Quality
I have four different tapo cameras and recently purchased the C325. I was surprised that the video quality of the image captured was blurred. in video you can see the fox running past the camera, its...