RE450 Causes the router's WIFI to lose internet access or fail.

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RE450 Causes the router's WIFI to lose internet access or fail.

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RE450 Causes the router's WIFI to lose internet access or fail.
RE450 Causes the router's WIFI to lose internet access or fail.
2021-08-07 16:52:20
Modelo: RE450  
Versión del hardware: V4
Versión de firmware: 1.04 build 210531



I have purchased a RE450 extender, the connection with the RE450 is perfect and the speed tests are very good, however randomly the extended networks of both the 5g and the 2.4 lose access to the Internet, and when connecting to the WIFI connections I do not Extended (directly from the router) have also lost Internet access, that is, the extender causes the router's Wi-Fi networks to lose Internet access.

I have tried to go several days without the extender and the connection goes without problems.

Does anyone have this same problem?


- RE450 extender
- Connection mode: The connection mode of the RE450 with the router is by WIFI.

- Router Sagecom, Lowi company (Vodafone).



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