cannot set NTP server and others
i am evaluating new switches for our business and come to the T1600G series.
I have some questions regarding the setup and hope someone can help me with this?
I have the problem that I cannot enter the NTP server if it is in the local LAN.
The net is
NTP server is
another NTP server is
switch is
via cli:
sw7654321-1(config)#system-time ntp UTC 24
NTP backup server IP address is invalid.
If I use any phantasy IP outside of the local net it accepting the values.
When connecting via SSH, how can the key exchange algorithm be changed. It is still diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
I have one port configured as trunk port and do not want any native vlan on this. How I get rid of this default untagged VLAN1 on that port?
interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/20
descr uplink_eth0
switchport general allowed vlan 510,511,512 tagged
is there an equivalent to cisco (config)#default interface gi23
to clear the config of an interface it is painful to use the "no" form for each line in the interface configuration.
I did not find a way to show all LLDP neighbors. show lldp neigbors requires to specify an interface. Even no range is possible. To find an connected device, you need to go through all ports one by one.
Hope someone have some ideas.
Thanks and best regards