Adding some parameters to MESH?
I currently have 3 x 225-Outdoors linking 3 sites, basically wired is site A, then site B, then site C. Site B is midway between A and C.
I'd fully expected A to mesh to B to mesh to C, but the remote devices have chosen to both link directly to A..and I understand the performance reasons for doing so.
However, I'd like to see a threshold set for this sort of situation because of the following:
in this scenario, A is to the left B is up top right and C is lower right (highlighted link)
Today that lower link has gone as low as 13/13 while the upper link has typically remained 650/650 due to some pretty wet weather. Despite losing some performance at B and increasing latency at C, I think it would be better at some point for C to connect back through B to A...however this doesn't seem to be an option. It would be nice to characterize link capacities and hop counts...and then perform some smart decisions on when to say V-shaped and when to go linear. Here's what the backhaul radio utilization looks like:
...and I've had three disconnect/re-adopts today already. A normal day is always sub 20% (link ~175M/175M) as the radio link is usually it's -89dbm.
I know I will ultimately need to do something about the lower (C) link path if I can't fix it by directing/optimizing the mesh. Hoping I could set thresholds on Mesh radio channel or Min throughput or whatever to force a reconfig of the Mesh. Thoughts?