@Somnus Hi, thanks for your answer, but it doen't work, actually my initial configuration was in Client mode (and it worked OK with some AP). I will describe my setups:
#1, CP510 in client mode, it works with some AP, it doesn't work with another ones
This was my 1st configuration, and it was working OK until I have to connect to another external AP/router.
computers ( --> internal AP (RS200, AP mode) --> My router (TL-470T+, LAN=, WAN= or dynamic) --> My Anthena (CPE510, Client mode, IP= or dynamic) --> external AP/router (
#2, CPE510 in AP Client router
When configuration #1 failed I used this one (it's not the best because I have a double router, but it worked Ok until I switched to another external AP/router)
computers ( --> internal AP (RS200, AP mode) --> My router (TL-470T+, LAN=, WAN= or dynamic) --> My Anthena (CPE510, AP client router mode, LAN=, WAN= or dynamic) --> external AP/router (
In any case, depending on the selected external AP/router, both configurations can work or not. As I noted in my previous post, my phones or computers can connect without any issue to all the external AP/routers. What is more, when I have a problem with an external AP/router, I replace my CPE510 anthena (in #1 or #2) with an old AP (TL-WA501G) configured in Client mode, and both configuration works OK.
To sum-up:
The problem is in CPE510, I don't know why, but for some unknow reason the external AP/router ignores the connected CPE510 (ping or traceroute from the CPE510 web console dont work). If I connect to the external AP/router with my computer, I can't see the CPE510 in the network with something like the following:
$ sudo nmap -sn