How to configure VPN via IKEv2/IPSec for Android 11+ and Windows 11 client devices?

How to configure VPN via IKEv2/IPSec for Android 11+ and Windows 11 client devices?

21 Reply
Re:How to configure VPN via IKEv2/IPSec for Android 11+ and Windows 11 client devices?
2024-03-01 03:57:41

Hi @gerba 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

gerba wrote



What do you mean with 'WG'? Wireguard?
I have to avoid any third party VPN solution.
What I need to know is, how I can establish VPN connection with built-in VPN functionalities of Android 11+ and Windows 11+.
This is what TP-Link product support promised me to work, before I replaced my previous VPN router (ER6120) and my whole other network periphery.

Little update:
I reset the ER7212PC now.
Before that neither the L2TP nor the IKev2 connection worked anymore.
Now I configured only the L2TP VPN server and my Android 11 device quickly connects via VPN again.
So obviously no problem with my setting (ER7212PC "behind" internet router having DMZ configured).

I have this suspicion:
It seems not to be possible to configure more than one VPN policy.
If you do so, none is working - even if you have enabled just one of them.
Can that be true?
If yes, what sense does it make to be able to configure several VPN policies?

Kind regards,

Good. If you rule that out, fall back to the question we had.

I can clearly tell you that without the remote ID and putting it behind the NAT, with a setup of Android as the client, there will be a problem. It's written in the internal docs and so far is considered as a flaw in the Android.


About your suspicion, have you verified it?


L2TP is not the same as IPsec. You are avoiding the fact I gave to you about IPsec, NAT and remote ID thing. Don't swap the main topic to that L2TP. I know L2TP would work easily because it can work behind a NAT.


If you wanna say it is not your network environment or Android, I can do a test next week with verifications and results. I'll get an ER7212PC and test IPsec, with and without remote ID and what may happen. In addition, you say it does not support multiple VPN servers, I can also do a multi-VPN server setup.

This will be done in a local network which I don't have any issue with the actual WAN. In your case, things may be different.


In the following replies, I'll be verifying several opinions from you.

1. Does NOT support multiple VPN servers.

2. IPsec VPN is having issues instead of your network environment. Remote ID and NAT don't matter.


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