TL-R605 STILL won't adopt
There are other threads detailing this problem, but all seem to be locked, even though people are still having the issue.
Default IP address is; my network, run by Omada, is set for, and I'm not sure why TP-Link engineers can't fix this, when there have been *multiple* complaints.
I've tried all the workarounds, except rebuilding my entire network, which I refuse to do, and none of them work around. I was able to set the IP address on the 605 to the appropriate one, and to configure it properly to good NTP servers (despite the 3-second refresh that kept throwing away my changes, ARGH!), but when I told Omada to adopt, it said "Sure!", and adopted it. Then it said "Configuring," which never returned, except that in the Omada display, the IP address switched BACK to the default. I waited a half hour before manually rebooting it.
Nope. Not only did the IP address change back to the default, but the NTP servers changed back to the default of "".
At which point I gave up and went back to my Turris Omnia router. I did not throw the 605 against the wall--but I thought about it.
"Oh, just rebuild the network," you say. I have 80 devices on my network, over half of them using static IPs and the remaining depending on my own DHCP server. I'm not doing that. I'm neither an idiot nor a masochist.
TP-Link engineers really need to fix this problem. I wonder just how many 605s are out there using a non-default network.