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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-06-15 06:12:02
Re:Tapo C425 - Why is this with RTSP ?!?
@Wayne-TP @Solla-topee So i thing we getting things going to work in a constructive way with TP-Link to address many costumers concerns and frustration. We are here in the community forum, and would...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-06-07 07:37:22
Re:Tapo C425 - Why is this with RTSP ?!?
@Wayne-TP Hello again Sorry for the delayed reply, just too much stuiff. So, here is the link where you can see that is possible to create a camera account: https://www.tapo.com/en/faq/76/ "(...) How...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-23 11:11:15
Re:Tapo C425 - Why is this with RTSP ?!?
@Wayne-TP The thing is that based on the online documentation TP states that you can create a camera account and connect to it. And that is what i needed to do. Now i bought this unit and i can n ot...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-22 07:17:33
Tapo C425 - Why is this with RTSP ?!?
Hello Even after reading some threads in this forum i can not help to come to the conclusion that you must take actions and react to clients on the issues raised for this device. I have bought a C425...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-26 03:35:43
Re:Deco P7 drops internet connection several times a week
Same problem here. Bought the P9 3 unit kit and this piece of crap does not work as it should, worse even after firmware upgrades. The biggest piece fo s... i ever bought in my life, i spend all time...