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Forums/ Routers
2023-07-21 02:05:43
Re:ER7206 hidden open ports
@Leonid1 Those are for email. How are you testing for open ports? (GRC com? )
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-07-19 03:01:03
built in DDNS OMADA
I notice the current ver of OMADA displays the public interface of each device per site. Is it possible to use this feature to have built in DDNS for OMADA sites? Example, customer has 4 sites, all...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-07-14 20:37:33
Re:MSP Mode on OC200 (5.11.10)
@Hank21 I have the soft controller, and the most current version. I do not see MSP stuff in mine. There is something called HOTSPOT, is that it? It seems to only show every so often. One day its...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-07-13 01:07:01
Re:simple answer Im sure
@Rick993 no shortcut on desktop? How about in start / software ? It does need to be manually started each time. I think there is a way to make it a service, that auto starts with computer. If no...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-07-13 01:04:17
Re:upgrade failed: The upgrade file is invalid. Please select a correct file.
@Eric_Strothers It seems to just start working again. I have restarted the OMADA system. I wish they would disclose where the pending update files are stored. Or maybe a "button" or command to clear...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-07-11 04:11:40
OMADA cameras?
I'm looking to upgrade my security camera system. IP Based cameras with an NVR. Wondering if TPLink / OMADA is working on a camera system that works with Omada? Is this something planned for the...