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Forums/ WiFi
By dicky82 2024-07-07 16:48:38

tp link switch and controller

hi, i have recently bought a tplink switch for my house to distribute internet around the house to points behind tv's. i was told by the company i bought the switch from i wouldn't need a hardware con
Forums/ WiFi
By Captainrik 2024-07-03 20:19:39

Eap 615 in omsda mesh

I have an omada mesh network with eap 610's. I bought 2 wall mount eap 615s to add to the system but cant get them to bridge with my 610's. They only work connected by ethernet cable. Can these eap615
Forums/ Routers
By JMo_C137 2024-06-28 18:31:01

Bell Aliant Fibe Internet and TV bypass

Hi All, I am looking for guidance on getting my Fibe TV boxes working on my current setup. My goal is to keep all the Bell Sepplied equipment out of the loop except the TV Boxes. If Possible enable th
Forums/ WiFi
By stefanocps 2024-07-01 13:20:09

firstsetup help

Hello,hardware is just arrived I have 7 ap eap610,an er7206 router, the oc200 controller and the 8port poe switch It is a totally new system and i would like some help in the step to configure the who
Forums/ WiFi
By Just-Jeff 2024-06-26 16:11:46

EAP110 unit works, has IP address and connectivity ... but router doesn't see it.

I set up two EAP110s outside at my house in 2020, one in front and the other in back, mostly for wifi calling. I noticed yesterday that my router doesn't list the back one as an attached device. Front
Forums/ WiFi
By Xentaur 2024-06-26 10:17:51

6 x Omada EAP110-Outdoor HWv3.0 (EU), only 5 will work in repeated network

We set up 5 EAP110-Outdoor HWv3 easily and quickly and placed all the units into the roof cavities of each of the chalets and base primary residence and everything works. We thought we'd get decent in