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Forums/ Routers
By iampegram 2023-07-12 13:36:36

ER7206 DHCP Option 2

I'm using my ER7206 in controller mode (5.9.31), and I'm setting up DHCP options for my phone VLAN. We're in UTC-5 for the timezone, but I can't set Option 2 to a negative offset. What do I need to do
Forums/ Routers
By unhappycust0mer 2023-04-28 14:44:12

ER605v1 Beta 1.2.3 Thread Closed Quickly- Now I know why

I guess it's pretty obvious now as to why the beta firmware thread was closed so quickly. A lot of once again broken promises for people using the (still up for sale) ER605v1. The OpenVPN full mode im
Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2020-12-31 08:46:50

Get the Latest Omada SDN Controller Releases Here - Subscribe for Updates

Latest Firmware Release > Early Access < Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.14.30.7 Windows Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.14.30.7 Linux_x64.tar.gz Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.14.30.7 Linux_x64.deb Update Note: July 26th v
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By iampegram 2022-06-08 15:25:25

Not getting alerts for WAN failover activation

I have my ER605 connected to my cable modem (Netgear CM1000) as the primary WAN and my LTE modem (Netgear LM1200) as the backup WAN. Failover has worked successfully twice since I've had the backup mo