Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Any plans to implement QOS and Application Control for IPV6 traffic
Hello Team, Are there any plans to support Gateway QOS and DPI Application Control over IPV6. Currently, even though we can configure rules using ipv4, ipv6 groups into different classes via Gateway Q
2024-05-08 08:04:48
Deco XE75 pro IPV6 not working
Hello, I am unable to configure IPV6 on my deco. I have a omada system sitting in between my isp modem and deco. On omada system (router + switch + Controller), i get ipv6 assigned from ISP. However,
2023-10-26 05:52:46
ER605 V2_2.1.5 Build 20231024 Beta Firmware for Omada Controller V5.11 (Released on Oct 26th, 2023)
This Article Applies to ER605(UN) V2 2.1.5_Build 20231024 (Beta) Release Notes: New Features & Enhancements: 1. Add ACL support for IPv6 data. 2. Add support for IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) configu
Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-21 08:06:42
DNS Cache and Proxy Enhancements
Hi Team, Is it possible to include the following enhancements for DNS Cache and DNS Proxy in future releases: 1. Accept min & max_ttl values for DNS Cache to cache only the entries > min_ttl and < max
Requests & Suggestions
2021-08-22 18:22:05
IPv6 Firewall rules - TL-R605 v1 1.1.1
Starting to play around with IPv6 and it all works so fare very well... although I'm curious if I can find somewhere in the controller settings to adjust/manage firewall rules for IPv6. Currently port
Requests & Suggestions
2023-08-10 02:39:16
DNS Caching + IPV6 doesnt seem to cache
Is there any possibility of DNS Caching enabled for IPV6 responses? Currently all the caches are populated with only v4 addresses. Moreover there is a performance degradation by enabling DNSSEC OR DOT