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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By IanCC 2023-08-29 15:11:55

Alpha Numeric Voucher Codes

Hi, I would like to request the following for all controller (Cloud, Software, Hardware) 1. Alphanumeric Voucher Codes - Having Alpha Numeric Codes will improve security. Users are guessing voucher co
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Skinet 2023-08-22 17:52:27

Voucher Codes

Request to have Voucher Codes available to export in vsc or text format instead of pdf.
Forums/ WiFi
By Bonesoul 2023-08-16 13:06:28

Per-SSID rate limit profile not working

Hi there, I've currently a setup of these equipments on my company: - omada 300 controller. - er8411 router. - 1x TL-SG3452X. - 1x TL-SG3428X. - 3x TL-SG3428XMP. I have just bought an EAP670 AP for te
Forums/ Controllers
By camp_ben 2023-07-02 21:51:42

Voucher clients have to re-enter voucher multiple times daily

I use vouchers to allow the summer staff at a summer camp internet access without them being able to share the wifi password with others. My network consists of 15 EAP devices (a combination of EAP225
Forums/ Controllers
By IanCC 2023-08-17 15:04:23

SOLVED - Voucher Rate Limit and Traffic Limit Not Working

Hi All, this is my first post. I am new to Omada although not new to networking. My issue is with the Rate Limit option in the Voucher Group Limit that is not being "respected". I am using the followi