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Forums/ Controllers
By Hank21 2024-02-29 05:54:19

Omada SDN Controller_V5.14 Pre-release (Released on Feb 29th, 2024)

Thank you all for your valuable feedback on the pre-release firmware! The early access controller version 5.14.20 has been released, check the following link for details. Omada SDN Controller_V5.14.20
Forums/ Controllers
By W38122077 2023-11-30 20:17:33

Version request - Ubuntu and OC200 same version

Hi. I've been trying out 5.13.x for a but on on Ubuntu (5.13.10) and even played with it on windows, but I saw the Beta for the OC200 dropped and finally got around to updating my OC200 and was going
Forums/ WiFi
By W38122077 2023-11-16 19:57:37

5.13.x Beta firmware AI Roaming bug

If AI Roaming is enabled nothing will connect to the 6GHz radio. As soon as it is disabled everything works fine. Linux/Ubuntu if it matters.
Forums/ WiFi
By W38122077 2023-11-16 18:58:28

Cannot downgrade EAP690HDv1 from 1.0.3Beta back to 1.0.1

Cannot downgrade EAP690HDv1 from 1.0.3Beta back to 1.0.1 fails with "The upgrade file is invalid. Please select a correct file."
Forums/ WiFi
By W38122077 2023-11-08 19:32:03

Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.13.10_Linux_x64.tar.gz(Beta) Breaks 6GHz / WiFi6e on EAP690HDs

Thought I'd give the new beta a shot since 5.12.x was a failure. Same problem: nothing will connect to 6GHz. But as soon as I downgrade back to 5.9.x everything will be right as rain. Very, very unfor
Forums/ WiFi
By W38122077 2023-11-07 22:18:06

EAP670 1.0.12 Build 20230922 Rel. 53972 - where is it released/documented?

So, I saw in the app new firmware was available (I was on 1.0.11 Beta) for my 670s so I applied it and I came here to see what was released, but I can't find a reference to it anywhere...so how did I