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Forums/ Routers
By Robal a week ago

Bandwitch Control for VPN clients possible ?

Hi All! I've got a scenario where I want to use ER605 as VPN server, and limit bandwidth for connected clients (limit their speed accessing Internet back from VPN network, but I don't mind limiting th

PMTUD in TP-Link routers/switches

Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery (PMTUD) This feature might not be in all TP-Link routers/switches yet, but I wonder whether TP-Link plans to implement it in future firmware releases. Most pop
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By DaveMcDave 2024-06-10 09:59:12

2FA for VPN

Good morning from the not so sunny UK! We have several ER7206 (and a few ER605) based at different clients sites, and we would like to have the ability to add 2 factor authentication to the VPN setup
Forums/ Routers
By bambinotenchie 2 weeks ago

SNMP on ER8411

Hello all, This is to follow up on the SNMP issue on TP-Link ER8411, recently highlighted in a previous thread. I'm using PRTG to monitor a
Forums/ Routers
By bambinotenchie 2 weeks ago

CPU utilization during idle-time

Hello experts, Recently, I deployed two units of TP-Link VPN router. TP-Link ER8411 and TP-Link ER 707-MY for site-to-site VPN. Since deployment two days ago, I noticed that the CPU utilization on TP-
Forums/ Routers
By bambinotenchie 3 weeks ago

Location Group. Why need two locations?

Hello TP-Link, Just curious ... Why requires at least two locations for this section? Is this used to filter certain networks based on geographical or region for security? If I have 20+ remote office