Tp-link AV600 Pa4010 connection issues
Ok so I have bought an AV600 pa4010 kit already, it works fine for sending my IPTV signal to another room so I can watch TV there. My router has 4 ethernet ports, 3 being used right now. One for IPTV, the second one for a pa4010 adapter that sends the signal to another room and the third for ethernet directly into a PC close to the router.
Now since there's another ethernet port left, I thought I could buy another pa4010 kit and connect it to another room to give ethernet to another PC. I bought the new pair and connected them and successfully paired them, but got an error saying my Ip configuration is non-existent and I couldn't connect to the internet.
Now I solved that issue, but then the IpTV in one of the rooms stopped working until I somehow paired it again and got both of them working. But for some reason, my printer, which is connected to the router via wifi, is disconnected and won't connect. I unplug the pa4010 kit I used for my other PC, and the printer works again and connects normally
Is this a router issue or I just connect 2 pairs of pa4010 adapters and use them without blocking something else from connecting to the wifi.
Thank you for reading and on any help