Archer AX50 seems to ignore custom DNS server settings
I am having trouble with the DNS setting in the DHCP Server settings page. I have configured it as indicated in the image below. But name server requests don't seem to be going to the address I specify. They seem to be going straight to an external DNS server and ignoring mine local DNS server. Could it be related to the fact that I'm using PPPoE to connect to the internet? I'm baffled by this behaviour.
Note that I have confirmed the DNS server is up and running at ip At that address I have a raspberry pi running dnsmasq with it configured to redirect a specific external domain to an internal IP address. When I run the following command:
$ dig @
..I get the correct internal IP address.
However if I run this command:
$ dig @
I get the external IP address.
I have also tried deleting the Primary and Secondary DNS IPs expecting it to fail to resolve any domains, however it does indeed still resolve domains somehow. How is that possible?