TL-WA850RE V7 Not Working Anymore with one laptop
Important actions, which I took in an attempt to solve my problem, WITH NO SUCCESS:
a) TL-WA850RE V7 firmware updated to the latest version;
b) Windows 10 the most up-to-date;
c) TL-WA850RE V7 "reset" and reconfigured, with and without WPS;
d) "Excellent" sign;
e) Laptop wi-fi driver updated and even downgraded to previous versions in search of functioning.
What to do? The machine works with a very bad signal without the TL-WA850RE V7 and all the measures were already adopted by me without success, and, I insist, a priori the machine worked with the TL-WA850RE V7 IN THE SAME LOCATION.
Thanks in advance.
Mine best regards,
R.C. Zarco