Really need help with my Deco system
Hey guys,
I have Fios gig connection at home but the house is too big for that one router they give out to reach the entire home. Maybe if i explain my currently living situation, it would give a better understanding and make things clearer. So the Fios router is in the dining room on the first floor, so basically the center of the house. All the bedrooms are either on the first floor but on the edges of the house, or updstairs. Basically in a range where the wifi doesnt reach to the bedrooms. That's when I decided ok I need more routers.
So I bought a Deco W3600 Wifi Mesh system to see if that should help. It came with 2 routers. I placed the main deco in my room. Reason is because I have very long cable connection all the way from the Fios router down into the basement, back up into my room, basically going across the entire house from underneath. The reason this was done was bc mesh systems came out, i was extending my wifi this way as an access point with an old netgear router. I would connect the main router from the living room all the way to my room to bounch off the original signal to the entire house. And also be able to plug my PS$ in directly to that netgear.
Anyways, Now i have the main deco set up the same way. I have a long Cable connected to the Fios main line connected all the opposite end of the house in my room to the main Deco hard wired to do the same thing. I also have another Deco in my parents room upstairs so they can get signal as well. (before, the old nightwak would reach their room bc it was righ above my room, so no issues). But since wifi 6, I needed a new system that is cabable of Wifi 6 since we got Fios 1 gig.
I guess my question is, what settings should i have my Deco on? Router Mode? Or Access Point mode?
Previously with the netgear, i was using it as an access point and then switching both names of the routers and passwords to be the same as i was told to do by a technician and it seemed to be working fine. I'm having trouble with this new mesh system as i am not that educated with it yet. Although i would like to be
From what im saying, it seems like it should be set to access point mode as i have been doing before... but some people have told me otherwise idk
One more thing i wanted to ask was. If all connections are good, whats the average download speed you guys get when you test your speed online via wifi on a 1 gig connection? For me im getting around 300-400 but thats making me believe that im only connected to the 5G speed and not the normal 2.4
Im starting to think i should just get another netgear, a much much better one and just make that an access point again in my room. What do you guys think? sorry for the long post