Need help with choosing mesh system
Hi. I got 1Gbps fiber and I'm trying to build home network from scratch because I currently have ASUS TUF-AX5400 as the main router connecting via PPPoE and an old TP-Link as AP on second floor and with that 4 different wifi networks and I want to do a single mesh network at home with good coverage.
Heres my little concept from paint:
I wanted to buy three TP-Link Archer AX53 routers (the second revision because it supports ethernet backhaul since then), but the more I read about it I don't think it will work as planned.
I don't know if it will simultaneously work with ethernet backhaul between the two units and the third one via wifi backhaul + from what I read the one on second floor would have to be hooked up as a router and not an Access Point because EasyMesh won't work on AP mode. Well but if I hook it up as a second router I guess it will collide with the first unit on first floor and it will cause "double NAT" or something like that?
I looked at TP-Link Deco X50 3 or 4 pieces as well - in theory this thing could probably meet almost all my requirements but im not sure. I don't know if one of these dummies is capable of serving as the main router or if I still need to have some kind of additional modem beforehand. My next gripe with it is that each piece has only 3 ports so if one is used for ethernet backhaul then I am left with only two ports and on second floor I want to connect 3 devices via ethernet.
TP-Link could not have messed up more with these Mesh systems.... OneMesh, EasyMesh, Deco and Omada. And together they of course don't want to cooperate as one mesh environment.
Im from Europe and in Poland TP-Link dominates the market but maybe i should buy some other kit from another company? I am terribly disappointed with ASUS, wifi coverage is poor, Roborock vacuum cleaner doesn't even want to connect to it at all etc.
The budget is not rigid but I would prefer to stay below 400€
Thank you in advance for your help and I'm more than willing to paypal some beer money to the person who gets me through this mess.