AX3000/AX50 keeps disconnecting from the internet
About 2 days ago, the internet (WAN) light on my router would turn amber. I could fix is by rebooting, power cycling, or releasing and renewing the IP address. Every 15-20 minutes, the router would lose connection to the internet. All wired and wifi connected devices would lose connectivitiy as well.
While the internet is up, I'm able to ping, the DNS for my ISP, and When the internet goes out, none of the pings work. I have tried pinging from the router's
ISP: One Source Communications
Internet Type: Fiber
What I have tried
- Changing DNS to Same symptoms
- Changing DNS to Same symptoms
- [Edited 2022-01-10] Plugged my desktop PC into the port at the wall (there is a modem on my ISP side). Internet works fine for over 24 hours until I plugged back in the router
- [Edited 2022-01-10] Plugged WAN back into router. Same symptoms
- [Edited 2022-01-10] Cloned MAC address using the same desktop PC. Worked for 3 hours, then went back to the same symptoms
- Uncloned MAC address. Same symptoms
- ISP cleared out MAC/IP tables on their side. Same symptoms
- Power cycled router. Same symptoms
- Factory restarted router. Same symptoms
- ISP put in a different router. Internet works fine
I know the AX3000 is compatible because I have been with this ISP for over 6 months.
I can get the logs off the router, but they were sparse whenever there was a problem. 3 lines of "lan_on, wan0_off, wan1_0n" denoting only the LEDs changed and I don't see any other logs showing a reason for the disconnect.
2022-01-10 Edit
I have been in contact with my ISP. On 2022-01-05, an invoice payment went through for a lowered price, and my hypothesis is that I have a second service line where the first line was cancelled. If that is the case, then it would cause a MAC/IP conflict on the ISP side for assigning IPs based on my router's MAC address. This would also cause another MAC/IP conflict using the cloned MAC of my desktop PC because I used that MAC when initially testing the ISP's connection when I first started their service.
I will be trying to use a different MAC and clone that to the router to see if there is still an issue. I have a few devices I could clone. If that does not work, it's more than likely an issue with the router and not with my ISP.