Which DST NAT settings to remote access to OC200 web app ?
These are my very first minutes, in my labs, with Omada products.
My setup:
Internet ----- router (with NAT) ----- PC
------------------------- OC200
Which DST NAT shall I configure in my router to get fully access to my OC200, from remote ?
When NATing to OC200 private IP/port 443, I'm redirected to a blank screen while URL is https:/<outer IP>:<outer port>/146a1b611111111111fc87ce4d24a/login.
I suspected an issue with my browser but connecting the same PC, using the same Firefox instance from the LAN, I'm also redirected to https://<inner IP>:443/146a1b6df03905aba9c87fc87ce4d24a/login but this page is not blank (it contains the expected login form).
Shall I use several DST NAT rules ?
Shall I DST NAT to a non-standard HTTP or HTTPS port ?
Best regards